The results and transformation our clients have.

Pivoting a SaaS company

We have been working with Richard Smullen for over 7 years — from fledging startup focused on B2C customers to an enterprise B2B valued over $200M. We speak to Richard about their pivot to enterprise sales, being more stoic, and doubling both revenue and headcount through Covid. Richard shares about his company, the significant challenges he faced as CEO, and what got him and Pypestream through them to where they are now.

“Having a reliable and trustworthy coach, who could help me be present, thoughtful, understand different tools, and slow things down to process them, has in large part, gotten us where we are today.

If everyone could afford this type of service, this would be at the top of my mandate list for everybody to add to their life. I'm a fan and I've seen phenomenal results. We have paid for the last seven years of investment with John in a month — that's how significant it's been on the business. 

We've come out stronger, gained more revenue, and have grown the business. We've doubled in size through Covid in both revenue, employees, and in pretty much every area.”

– Richard Smullen, CEO

Working with an entire senior leadership team
to upgrade the culture and scale the organization

In 2021, adMarketplace asked Now Leadership to help them upgrade their culture and scale their organization. Now Leadership had been working with adMarketplace’s C-suite in 2020 and in 2021, we delivered the High Performance Leadership (HPL™) program to the entire senior leadership team.

HPL is our flagship program. It spans eight months and incorporates one-on-one coaching, strategic Game Days™, and custom curricula from leading transformational ‘human-tech’, cutting-edge tools, frameworks, and methodologies.

You’ll hear from various members of the team about their experience, the impact of the HPL program, the results, and what’s next for them.

Adam Epstein, COO of adMarketplace shares how the High Performance Leadership (HPL™) program impacted the culture and the entire leadership team.

Adam shares how the work affected him personally and touched other areas of his life.

Todd went from having challenges working across teams to seeing a fundamental change in how the organization operates as a result of the HPL™ program. 

How coaching and the HPL™ program helped Shalyn develop her team and help them become better leaders.

Chris wasn’t sure if the work would really impact his life. Now he’s its biggest champion.

This CTO took all the learnings from coaching and Game Days™ and applied them to help him with the challenges of managing, up and down.

This VP of Finance Operations shares how HPL™ gave the team the opportunity to come together to brainstorm and create cohesion in an effective way.

Matt speaks to achieving alignment with all stakeholders to resolve problems quickly and capitalize on opportunities.

This senior leader’s key takeaway was how to step back and look at the solution, in a way that makes all the other problems go away.

As VP of People, Lonnie talks about having constructive conversations that led to successful outcomes and up-leveling his game.

Shalyn discovers a higher level of awareness around how to become the leader she wants to be — from a program that’s “unlike any management training” she’s ever done.

Norbert speaks about a tool he learned in the HPL™ program that improved how he analyzes and presents a situation — resulting in resolving it with the COO in record time.

Emily speaks about working on her inner game and where she sees herself now as a leader. 

Todd shares the positive impact of becoming more emotionally intelligent and building deeper relationships using the tools from the program.

Lonnie shares how they’re using NVC to communicate more effectively.

Chang speaks to how a specific framework helped the company increase the speed with which they resolve issues between teams.

Emily shares what she enjoyed most about coming together on Game Days™

Brian speaks to the tailored nature of the work and how it impacts you as a leader in your life, not just at work.

More testimonials to come

“HPL really helped us get on the same page as a leadership team — to talk through interesting and difficult problems, challenges, and opportunities, in a very thoughtful way, to open up the discussion, where in the past we would have glided over or push it to the side, or gone through it quickly.”

– Adam Epstein, COO

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